Romanova Natalia


  Completed her degree in Medical Business at I. Sechenov First Moscow Medical State University.

  Graduate medical training in obstetrics and gynecology at the Federal State Budget Institution “Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology” named after V.I. Kulakov.

  Post-graduate medical course at the Department of Assisted reproductive technologies for treatment of infertility at the Federal State Budget Institution “Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology” named after V.I. Kulakov (scientific adviser – candidate of medical sciences Kalinina Е.А.).

  Training course in obstetrics and gynecology.

  Defended her dissertation for a degree of candidate of medical science in obstetrics and gynecology on the subject of "The application of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for optimization of outcomes of IVF programme and transfer of embryo to women with ineffective attempts in anamnesis" (dissertation adviser candidate of medical sciences Smolnikova V.U.)

  Area of expertise: preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos and forecast of outcomes of IVF programme.

  13 printed works on the subject of dissertation were published, of which 7 were articles in journals recommended by High Attestation Commission.




  在联邦国家预算机构“妇产科和围产期研究中心”的辅助生殖技术治疗不孕症研究生医学课程。库拉科夫(科学顾问 - 医学科学家候选人KalininaЕ.А.)。


  捍卫她的论文一个学士学位妇产科医学科学的候选人关于“应用植入前遗传诊断优化IVF计划的结果和胚胎移植到无效的尝试的妇女的转移”(毕业顾问候选人医学科学Smolnikova VU)

