Dr. Alexandr Petrin

  Graduated from Russian National Research Medical University in 1977 (qualification in pediatrics).

  Post-graduate study at University of Medical Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Science.

  Dr. Petrin is one of recognized specialists in the area of clinical genetics. He is a member of the Dissertation committee at the Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science and at Russian State Medical University. When he was a chairman of the Research and Counseling Department of the Research Center he was studying issues of diagnosing, prevention and treatment of hereditary diseases.

  Dr. Petrin successfully practices medicine and is engaged as a professor at the Department of clinical genetics at Russian State Medical University since 1999.

  At the present moment Dr. Petrin is the head of the laboratory of medical genetic techniques at State University of Medicine and Stomatology as well as a professor at the Department of medical genetics and clinical biochemistry at State University of Medicine and Stomatology.

  In recent years his scientific and practical interests lie in the area of medico-genetic counseling on issues of reproduction genetics, genetics of mentally disabled children, prevention of congenital and hereditary diseases, genetic issues of drug and alcohol addiction as well as study of genetic causes of dental diseases.

  He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles and monographs on various issues of medical genetics.






